This originally appeared on LinkedIn on May 30, 2024.
I can't believe it's been almost 5 months since we launched Space Bridge Partners! In some ways I can't believe how far we've come, in other ways I can't stomp on the gas pedal hard enough!
Some highlights (in no particular order except the first one):
Having outstanding talent on our team, with more to come!
The incredible reception of the Space Bridge Partners mission from both sides of the equation: potential funders as well as mission organizers
Being asked to participate in stealth Space projects (!!!)
Being asked to speak on upcoming podcasts
Being asked to speak on upcoming conference panels
The number of people and companies that have reached out organically about needing funding, wanting to collaborate, wanting to become part of the Space Bridge Partners team and more
Learning so much and meeting such influential people at conferences
Getting to travel to fun places for work
Our first co-hosting of a Bay Area Space Happy Hour
Planning for SPACETIDE Foundation in Tokyo and IAC in Milan
The open and supportive Space community
The CEO, Founder and Entrepreneur communities of which I am now a part
Being able to support girls and women in STEM and Space
Getting to build a company from the ground up
May 2024, Bay Area Space Happy Hour hosted by MuonSpace, Ubiquity Ventures, Space Bridge Partners and Curated Innovation (the party is just getting started!)
My days are getting longer and longer, which one of my co-founders learned is not a complaint from me, but a symptom of the traction that Space Bridge Partners is gaining! It's exciting to be on video calls, meeting people IRL, traveling, and to be managing and mentoring a team again. When the buck stops with you, suddenly the long days don't seem as long (they fly by!) and the back-to-back meetings are not as exhausting.
I've never felt sheer momentum like this before! I can feel the universe (no pun intended) pulling me and Space Bridge Partners toward success! It is amazing what has manifested over the past 11 months since I left my last job. (I can hear Emma Whittard saying "what YOU'VE manifested!")
Having the right people around you is essential. I'm so thankful for and proud of the people who are a part of the Space Bridge Partners team.
It's exciting to be thought leaders for a new way of business in the Space sector. And focusing solely on missions with an exploration, science or educational objective means we will be helping to bring innovation and new technology to light in the Space sector, which ultimately will end up being used by people around the globe. Our unique angle that helps get Space missions off the ground is taking some education on the funding side, but the upside is and will be legacy-making for everyone involved -- and those that aren't! (One example: we have GPS thanks to the Apollo missions from the 1960's). I've already seen some amazing science, exploration and technology innovations from mission organizers. To help bring these missions to fruition and to be a part of the future in this way is making a lifelong dream come true.
Some things I am looking forward to:
Getting to announce our first funding deal
Getting to see a launch live and in person for a mission that we helped to fund
The new and innovative missions that have yet to reach our pipeline
Being able to help underserved communities participate in the Space sector
Being able to help countries with small Space agencies grow their Space ecosystems
Connecting partners across the globe
Meeting more people!
More speaking engagements at Space conferences and Family Office events
Being able to add more talent to our team
The coming months will be full of challenges and opportunities, but all for a greater good. I can't wait to see what we've accomplished by the end of 2024 and by our first anniversary on 9 January 2025. I hope you will continue to watch this space/Space!